Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Walmart REFUSED to Print an Engagement Picture They Called ‘Controversial’

An engagement is supposed to be a happy time, when a happy couple can celebrate the prospect of spending a lifetime together. One tradition is for engaged couples to get engagement photos taken — but when one couple went to Walmart to get their photos printed, they were turned away for a very strange reason. 

Stephanie Wehner posed for engagement pictures with her fiance, Mitch Strobl. They went to Walmart to get 13 of the photos printed, but they received only 12 back. Instead, a note was attached: “MINUS ONE 5×7. NO WEAPONS.” 

The photo in question had Wehner and Strobl posed together, with Strobl holding a 12-gauge Ruger Red Label over-and-under shotgun over his shoulder:
The employee allegedly told Wehner and Strobl that she thought the photo glorified “gang violence”, which was a violation of Walmart store policy. Wehner said that she was disappointed, because the picture “depicts our love for each other, and I wanted to be able to display those at the reception”. Wehner thought that the picture was “creative”, and said that the Ruger was the first shotgun Strobl had purchased for himself. It is his favorite weapon to use when he goes hunting, she said.   Read more.....

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Why the Media's Drip-Drip-Drip Water Torture of Trump is failing

The old Chinese Water-torture of drip-drip-drip 
would drive a man or woman (we want to be inclusive) insane.

But the Media's drip-drip-drip effort to waterboard Donald Trump 
is doing nothing but replenishing his 'Precious Bodily Fluids'! 

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Al Gore's Climate Change Express

Al Gore continues to jump more and more sharks with his climate change malarkey. A huckster for globalism, Gore claims we needed ‘global governance’ to solve the climate change problem. “Governance” sounds better than government and far better than what he’s really after, which is global communism. 

Like most carnival barkers, he preys on the gullible. “Step right up! Give your money to me to help save the planet!” Too many people buy into the scam because the mainstream media and Hollywood personalities have been loudly beating the climate drum for many years. They throw around the word ‘science’ as proof without questioning the data. 

Recently the creator of the ‘hockey stick’ climate graph, Michael Mann, was held in contempt of court for withholding his so-called scientific evidence. Why wouldn’t he show his data? Because it would prove it’s all a fraud, that’s why. The globalists have purchased the best scientists money can by. The data is skewed to fit what the buyers want.   Read more.....

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Heartland Voters Send Message To CNN: We Are SICK Of Russian Stories And You Trying To OUST Trump!

I think Americans have just about had enough of this Russian issue. It should be left to the special counsel to look into the matter. Meanwhile, we should be getting back to far more pressing issues, such as healthcare, taxes, national security and economics. The uber-biased media hates President Trump with an unhinged enthusiasm. They no longer report any news worth hearing. It’s Russia and Trump all the time. Meanwhile, people are being crushed by lack of jobs, skyrocketing healthcare costs and monstrous taxation. I think their priorities and viewpoint are massively screwed up. 

Just look at this recent Harvard-Harris poll, where nearly two-thirds of Americans believe that “there exists a campaign to delegitimize” Trump. Americans aren’t dumb. They see this as an attempt to unseat a sitting President. It’s a coup by the left and the media and Americans simply won’t stand for it. When you’ve got voters in Iowa and throughout the heartland really ticked off over the media going after the President, you’ve got an explosive recipe in the mix. 

An Iowa radio news director emailed CNN media reporter Brian Stelter, out of all people, on Thursday to tell him that conservatives in his state are “very angry” at the legacy press because they think the media are using Russia stories to “oust” and delegitimize President Donald Trump. 

“They think the Trump/Russia deal is a coup attempt by the media, and don’t think there is anything to the Russia/Trump, Jr. emails,” Robert Leonard, the news director, emailed. “They don’t understand why the media is trying to oust our duly elected president. They think there is a double standard — why isn’t anyone investigating the Clinton campaign/Russia connections? They are standing firm behind Trump.”   
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Friday, July 14, 2017

Cop Punished for Not Pretending Man Is Woman

Imagine being a security guard in a mental institution after the lunatics rebel and lock the doctors in the rubber rooms, putting themselves in charge. That’s the situation police face in a society entering the terminal stages of moonbattery: 

Fort Lauderdale police officer James Brinton is in hot water for a reckless driving ticket he wrote to a transgender citizen who identifies as a female. Fort Lauderdale’s police department may impose disciplinary for a Jan. 28 encounter between Officer Brinton and Shelby Kendall, who was caught drag racing a Chevrolet Camaro. He checked the “male” box on a ticket despite a Florida’s driver’s license stating otherwise. “If I’ve done everything I need to do for the state of Florida to recognize me as a female, he doesn’t have a right to purposely mis-gender me,” the 48-year-old [man] told the Sun Sentinel Friday. “It was inappropriate and kind of bullying and sends a message to the transgender community.” 

Forcing the police to pretend that men are women and vice versa is inappropriate and bullying and sends a message that clinging to objective reality will not be permitted by the government. Per the judgment of the Citizens Police Review Board, Brinton is to receive a written reprimand. As usual, the incident serves as a pretext to impose surreal leftist brainwashing, I mean, “training … to address these types of issues in the future.” 

In utopia, LEOs’ top priority will be to enforce ideology, not laws.   Thanks to Moonbattery

ICE Director: There’s No Population Of Illegal Aliens Which Is Off The Table

Are you here in the United States unlawfully? The ICE director has a message for you (emphasis mine) (Fox News). 

There could be as many as 12 million illegal immigrants living in the United States and 400,000 could be deported this year, according to the acting ICE director. Thomas Homan said the number could be even higher, but no one in the country illegally should be “comfortable” right now. Speaking to Neil Cavuto, Homan said those who cross the border illegally can no longer assume no one is looking for them. 

“[President Trump] basically told [us] you can now do your job, you will enforce laws on your books. There’s no population of alien that’s off the table anymore and we’ve been waiting on that for a decade now,” said Homan, noting that illegal immigrants who pose a threat to public safety will always be a higher priority. Homan said if you enter the U.S. illegally, you have committed a crime and the law will be enforced “without apology.”   Read more.....

He also delivered a stern message to the MS-13 street gang in a Daily Caller interview. “My gang is bigger than theirs and we are going to take them out,” he said, adding that the goal is to make good “as much as we can” on President Trump’s promise to arrest and/or deport these gang members. 

It really is a simple concept: anyone who is unlawfully present in the United States can be picked up and subject to deportation orders at any time, regardless of who they are, what their age is, or how they came to the country. Every illegal has their own sob story, designed to bring out the squishes in defense of allowing the illegal to stay in the country. Well, lots of legal residents have their sob stories and excuses as well, as to why they committed a crime, and do not want to be sent to jail. Tough for both classes.