Tuesday, September 13, 2016

See Hillary's newest Motorcade here

Just to play it safe, 
any future Hillary Clinton Motorcades will resemble the above.

A Proud Member of the Deplorables

Hey Hillary, I love you calling me a Deplorable
---coming from you that's a compliment!

Deplorable Lives Matter


Sunday, September 11, 2016

Did Hillary Drink too much at 9/11 event or have a Medical Episode

Was it the booze or Father Time 
that caught up with the old gal at the 9/11 Memorial?

Hillary Suffers Medical Episode at 9-11 Memorial, Barely able to stand

We hate to reports on events such as this, but feel the people should be aware of any health issues of those running for the highest office in the land.  Hillary Clinton was attending events today at the 9-11 Memorial where she experiences some medical event and was barely able to stand.  Her 5 member entourage escorted a stumbling Hillary to a nearby van where she was whisked away.  Reportedly she lost a shoe while stumbling, that was given back to her inside the vehicle.  Later today Hillary  will return home to Chappaqua---the Press in not invited.  I suspect Hillary and those around her would love to BleachBit all evidence of this event.  Oh well ole gal, while we wish you a speedy recovery we really would like to see all of your medical records in light of numerous past events.  Something is wrong, and we deserve to know what it is.  Sometime life can be a bitch. 

Friday, September 9, 2016

Hillary's Feces, rejected by Tumble Bugs aka Dung Beetles

The Hillary Clinton campaign is in panic mode following reports that even dung beetles are rejecting Hillary's crap.  Seems that a cabin in a remote part of the Arkansas Ozark mountains sometime used by Bill and Hillary still maintains a traditional Outhouse.  An Outhouse dedicated to the proposition that all crap is created equal.  However entomologists from S.H.I.T. (Sam Houston Institute of Technology)  studying insect behavior in that isolated area have made a shocking discovery.  Apparently dung beetles have rejected Hillary's poop.  The reason for this rejection remains somewhat unclear at this time.  However one of the esteemed entomologists from the university did mention that in the not too distant past he did see a news article in which Hillary implied "her sh*t" didn't stink.  He points to this as one possible reason for the dung beetle's rejection of the candidate's dodo!  At any rate, Hillary is depending on the Dung Beetle Vote to sweep her into the White House, because critters that will swallow almost anything can be counted on to vote for her.  And the frightening fact that some in the Dung Beetle community are refusing what she has to offer is quite disturbing.