Saturday, August 27, 2016

Hillary Clinton says, "For a cleaner computer try BleachBit"

Hillary Clinton recommends BleachBit to rid your computer of all those pesty yoga emails.  The FBI also endorses BleachBit as the most effective way to destroy those annoying emails.   If you are planning to begin a somewhat shady enterprise and want to keep your illicit activities private download BleachBit here!   

Friday, August 26, 2016

French High Court lifts Burkini Ban

In an not so unexpected move the French Supreme Court has outlawed the ban on the Burkini (seen above on the left).  The ban had been imposed by numerous localities and not the central government.  The ruling by the French high court has been applauded by feminist groups in America as well as France viewing this as a victory in a woman's right to choose what she wears on a public.  However, some on the opposing side feel this action confirms the right of  Muslim men to determine what their obedience wives and daughters must wear on the beaches  of France.  Seems the Arab men love to gawk at scantily clad French women strolling up and down the beaches of Cannes while at the same time forbidding their wives to wear the traditional French Bikini!  Hey Mohammad, let your ole lady share those bodacious ta ta's and that great booty if she chooses---quit being so damn greedy and let us all have a peek behind the veil!  Shuck that damn Burkini, Scheherazade and be a real woman!

Universities need a Safe Place from Liberal Brainwashing

Seems to me the only really needed safe place on college campuses to day is one that protects conservative thinkers from the onslaught of political correctness and brainwashing professors. 

Your Micro Aggressions can lead to Suicide

We must all maintain our vigilance and know that even the tiniest micro aggression could have real world consequences with a tragic ending.  Actually the only way to avoid offending someone is to remain silent.  Oops forgot that act could offend someone who thinks your ignoring them.  Well how about just blowing your brains out.  You might think that would finally solve the problem of your micro aggressiveness.  But what about those having to clean up the mess?  Fu*k, the hell with this political correctness.

Are you a Victim of Micro Aggression?

Actually in the world of Political Correctness if you are called "white" that would be labeled micro aggression, but on the other hand if you are called a "white racist" that would be perfectly OK.  WTF! 

If you trigger someone's Microaggression Card you are a racist.

Those who support "trigger warnings" and "microaggressions" are only trying to silence the voices of those who disagree with them.  In fact, the only free speech they actually support is that which validates the opinions.  They fail to realize that they can never totally shut down all the voices that question their positions---this is true on both the left and right.  But with the biggest threat to the First Amendment coming from those on the "Alt-left'!  These new leftest do not represent the views of John Kennedy or even Bill Clinton, but have usurped and taken over the party of JFK.  They love to point to the Alt-right, but are totally blind when it comes to seeing their own extremism.