Showing posts with label france. Show all posts
Showing posts with label france. Show all posts

Friday, August 26, 2016

French High Court lifts Burkini Ban

In an not so unexpected move the French Supreme Court has outlawed the ban on the Burkini (seen above on the left).  The ban had been imposed by numerous localities and not the central government.  The ruling by the French high court has been applauded by feminist groups in America as well as France viewing this as a victory in a woman's right to choose what she wears on a public.  However, some on the opposing side feel this action confirms the right of  Muslim men to determine what their obedience wives and daughters must wear on the beaches  of France.  Seems the Arab men love to gawk at scantily clad French women strolling up and down the beaches of Cannes while at the same time forbidding their wives to wear the traditional French Bikini!  Hey Mohammad, let your ole lady share those bodacious ta ta's and that great booty if she chooses---quit being so damn greedy and let us all have a peek behind the veil!  Shuck that damn Burkini, Scheherazade and be a real woman!