Thursday, June 23, 2016

Hillary Clinton is searching for a Vice President with the same morals and values as herself

Hillary has indicated that she will choose 
a Vice Presidential candidate 
with the same morals and values as herself!  
We all know who is at the top of her list! 

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Donald Trump directs Vicious Salvo against Hillary Clinton

The Donald, as promised has delivered his most vicious attack so far against Hillary Clinton.  He pointed out all her many failures as Secretary of State and concluded by calling her the most corrupt person to ever run for President!

Trump is the only real champion for the people running in this 2016 election for President.  His is a nationalist, who will not let the progressives forces of globalism and multiculturalism destroy the country of our founders.


Monday, June 20, 2016

Editing Orlando Terrorist's word to conform to Political Correctness

Hitler must be turning over in his grave.  Seems that Obama has figured out a better way to rid the world of something he doesn't like.  Unlike Adolph,  Obama doesn't have to burn books, he just edits the content before they are printed!  Damn we have a great would be Tyrant at the helm!  Isn't Political Correctness just grand!

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Deadly result of Political Correctness

More terrorist acts will come to America 
should Obama and Hillary 
continue their failed policies.  
Political correctness is literally  killing Americans 
while Democrats remain in denial!

Republicans buy guns for Protection, Democrats buy guns for Killing

If one looks at the mass shootings in the United States for the last 10 years you will find that some 90% were carried out by a person with Democrat party affiliation.  Furthermore, if you look at most of the individual shootings, they are done by people living in predominately Democratic areas in the large cities.  I believe it is safe to say, "Republicans buy guns for protection and target shooting, while many Democrats either steal or buy guns for killing their fellow citizens!

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Radical Islamist identify Obama as Infidel Scum

I feel sure Islamic Terrorist 
could care less what Obama calls them.  
At the same time, I'm quite puzzled about his reason 
for not calling them what they are---
Radical Islamic Terrorist!  
If they are not radical, I would hate to meet one who is!