Wednesday, October 12, 2016

People and their Pets

Damn Trump does look like his master and so does Hillary!

Monday, October 10, 2016

The most Corrupt person to ever run for President

Up until that moment both Barack Obama and Bill Clinton put their fingers on the scale of justice, Hillary was on the fast track to a red jump suit.  Must be nice to have friends in high places when you are a crook!  

Monday, October 3, 2016

Did Hillary Clinton have a secret earpiece at Presidential Debate

Hillary Clinton has proven time and time again she is above the law and will do anything to achieve her goal.  What's a little earpiece along side of an email server?

The shocking truth about Trump and Hillary on women's issues

One thing you must give Hillary credit for, is her ability to lie without even batting an eye.  The woman is a master of deception.  She claims to support women's right while at the same time smearing a 12 year old rape victim and all those women who accused Bubba of sexual misconduct and even rape.  And that's the ones we know about---the others are at the bottom of the Arkansas River.  Just joking on that Arkansas River thing, but do wonder what all those empty cement bags were doing at the back door of the Governor's Mansion when the Clinton's left. i

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Would Hillary remain silent if only Trump would have raped a woman instead of calling her fat!

Does anyone think it strange that Hillary condemns Trump for allegedly calling women fat, while at the same time defending a woman abuser accused of rape and unwanted sexual advances?  Just perhaps she would keep her mouth shut if Donald raped a woman.   But then, of course, hubby Bill was her stepping stone to greater political  ambitions.  I wonder what is the correct thing to call a woman who is obviously over-weight -----Plump, fat, over-ripe, obese, dumpling, or just too bad you're over-weight gal!

Are Democrats laying the groundwork for Massive Voter Fraud in 2016

Has  anyone noticed that when reports on voter fraud surface, it is almost always the Republicans accusing Democrats of being the culprits.  Rarely is it the reverse.  And invariably, those in the media will declare voter fraud to be as rare as that elusive "hen's tooth".  This does make one wonder WTF is going on.  Could it just be, there are certain voting precincts where criminal activity is the norm and not the exception that would encourage and engage in voter fraud.  Let me assure you, people being what they are, voter fraud is real and just perhaps rampant in America and this observer believes it comes primarily from those on the left.  Call me racist, but the black controlled precincts in the major population centers are in all likelihood the biggest offenders.   

It should be noted that fact check sites like "Snopes" and other left-leaning media groups are quick to cast doubts on almost any story of voter fraud.  That should be expected, as they are in the progressive fold and will stop at nothing to expunge such stories before they gain traction with the general public.  As an observer of numerous past presidential elections, more than I wish to acknowledge, I was often amazed at the number of mysterious lost ballots that suddenly appeared in the urban centers when the Democrat candidate appeared to be losing the election.  This mind-boggling miracle has occurred over and over again in recent history.  It never ceases to amaze this observer the lengths some will stoop too, to insure their candidate wins the election.  Some will simply pull up or tear down yard signs while others will deface billboards on public property.  And then there are those who operate on a grand scale (we would be foolish to deny this fact) to effectively steal an election.  Whether you believe the above story or not you can be sure there are people out there who will stop at nothing, absolutely nothing to insure their man or woman wins the election.  Sorry, but that's the way things are today, yesterday and in all likelihood tomorrow.