Monday, September 26, 2016

Hillary Clinton has the World's most Annoying Voice

If there is just one reason to vote for Donald Trump, 
it would be not having to listen to Hillary voice 
for the next 4 years.  
The above address from Herself, 
sounds almost delusional!  
Is this campaign driving the poor ole gal from Chappaqua nuts? 

Friday, September 23, 2016

The left should be hollowing "Thug Lives Matter"

Cops know the difference between a book and a gun, 
but do liberals!

Is billionaire George Soros funding outside agitators 
that go to places like Charlotte to riot and loot?

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Candy Roulette---Just one may not kill you. Hillary Refugee Policy

Chances are that one individual Syrian Refugee may not kill you.  But as their numbers increase, your odds of avoiding contact with that one with a bomb go down.  That is only common sense, but then Democrats like Hillary seem not to have any!

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

The Birth Child of Hillary and Barack

One could easily believe that home grown Islamic terrorism is little more than the birth child of Hillary and Barack.  A hybrid of political correctness and sheer stupidity!  

Monday, September 19, 2016

Donate to the Hillary R. Clinton Monument Committee

I have the distinguished honor of being on the Committee to raise $50,000,000 for a monument to Hillary R. Clinton. 

We originally wanted to put her on Mt. Rushmore until we discovered there was not enough room for two more faces. We then decided to erect a statue of Hillary in the Washington, D.C. Hall of Fame. 

We were in a quandary as to where the statue should be placed. It was not proper to place it beside the statue of George Washington, who never told a lie, or beside her husband William J. Clinton, who never told the truth, since Hillary could never tell the difference. We finally decided to place it beside Christopher Columbus, the greatest Democrat of them all. He left not knowing where he was going, and when he got there he did not know where he was. He returned not knowing where he had been, and did it all on someone else's money.

Thank you, 

Hillary R. Clinton Monument Committee P.S. The Committee has already raised $1.55

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Hillary Clinton and Democrats have a Problem with Duck Identification

Last night there was a large explosive device (in short, a bomb) detonated in New York City.  The major of that city, Bill de Blasio, was quick to tell (what he must consider a dumb public) that although this was an intentional act, there was no evidence of terrorism.  Shortly after the explosion Donald Trump declared the explosion was a bomb and the act (although the source is unknown at this time) was an act of terrorism.  Then of course, we heard the same liberal account coming from the media (don't believe your lying eyes, but what we tell you).  Then those in the MSM went on to tell us that Donald Trump jumped the gun and the terrorist only did this because they are losing ground in the Middle East (what did they just admit the act was Islam inspired).  It appears to this observer, that it's the media getting their wires crossed, because the terrorist aren't!  After all if it looks like duck, walks like a duck and quacks like at duck, then it a fricking duck.

For those like Hillary Clinton and those progressives 
around her that seem to have a problem 
with duck identification 
we would strongly recommend 
they consult with the above group!

And don't forget Hillary, 
they also know how to deal with Ducks!