Thursday, September 15, 2016

Time to takes the Keys away from Granny Hillary

It's not just the fact that Hillary is almost 70 years old, 
Donald is only one year older.  
But one seems to be out of gas and running on fumes 
while the other has the energy of a thirty year old.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Trump Rescues America from Globalist

Liberty needs the protection of a strong man from the forces that would tear her down and make America a third world banana republic!  And believe me those nuts are out there.  They hate America and American exceptionalism. Actually they would have our nation be more like Cuba and less like the land of our fathers.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Les Deplorables

Hillary Clinton with a statement against Trump supporters she called Deplorables has inadvertently started a movement that will sweep even more people to the polls to support the leader of the Deplorable Movement, Donald Trump.  In effect, Hillary has proved to be the second coming of Marie Antoinette, who during the French Revolution uttered those famous words defaming those in the revolution---"Qu'ils mangent de la brioche" translated: "Let them eat cake"!  Gee do you think Hillary will go the way of Marie?

Weekend at Hillary's

Get you laughs today visit WOODSTERMAN

As Paul Harvey might say, 
"And now you know the rest of the story"!

Did Hillary have a case of Rockin' Pneumonia

Many are saying Hillary Clinton has a case of Walking Pneumonia---reminded me of the oldie (Rockin' Pheumonis and Boogie Woogie Flu).  Heck whatever she has must be catching---many around her claim to have similar symptoms.  But then, thinking that, why did they allow her to embrace a little small girls shortly after her fainting spell.  Damn they act like cats in a litter box, desperately trying to cover her crap.

ABC Reports Hillary's Death

 One must wonder how ABC could make such a mistake!  Death Wish or what!