Monday, July 11, 2016

Dividing America along Racial lines. Old Glory and the New Political Correctness

One must wonder how many members of the BLM movement would stomp on or burn Old Glory given the opportunity.  I do remember a few years ago that while both Barack and Michelle were watching some official government function, Michelle was over heard saying "all this for a flag" in a somewhat condescending way!  And yes, I am one of those Americans who does not believe Obama loves this country!  But I am quite certain he and Michelle enjoy the perks afforded the high office he holds.

Vote Hillary so you can make an involuntary donation to the Clinton Foundation

Should Hillary Clinton become President 
one must wonder if donations to the Clinton Foundation 
will become mandatory!

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

The Obama-Clinton Effect in Syria after Red Line Erased

Remember when Obama drew that famous red line in Syria 
and dared the Syrian leader to cross it.  
But when Syrian President, Bashad al-Assad 
boldly crossed it, 
our cowardly leader erased it.  
I should add with Secretary of State, 
Hillary Clinton standing with our Coward-in-Chief.  
Do we really need 4 - 8 more years of this crap?

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Fifty shades of Goat, an ISIS love story

Recently Attorney General Loretta Lynch, 
following the Orlando massacre, 
said it would be better for us to love ISIS 
in our battle against Terrorism.  
Hey, Loretta the only love ISIS would embrace 
is that of a goat, 
unless they had a step-ladder in that case 
it might just be the Camel!

Friday, June 24, 2016

The Brexit Effect as seen by the BBC

The media elites and Brussels Bureaucrats 
have been forecasting doom and loom 
should the British people be so ignorant 
as to vote to leave the EU.  
Nothing but a scare tactic often used by those 
in the Globalist and open borders camp.