Friday, June 10, 2016

Hillary's art of the crooked deal with Russia

While Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's state department OK'ed a deal that allowed U.S. uranium to go to Russia.  Hey ain't that the sh*t that nukes are make from!!!  Wonder just how must the Russians donated to the Clinton Foundation for this deal.  Crooked Hillary is a title that fits her well! 

Trump self-identifies as a Woman

Not only is Hillary the first woman to get the nomination 
of a major party for president, 
she is the first person of either sex to get the nomination 
while under criminal investigation by the FBI!  
Now that is a glass ceiling!

Media deliberately failing to report violence against Trump Supportere

The silence of the MSM in reporting violent acts committed by young progressives and illegal aliens 
against Trump supporters is deafening.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Don't be a Racist, get a black drug dealer

All you redneck crackers out 
there that are tired of being called a racist---
relax and get a black drug dealer.  
Problem solved!!

Fried Spotted Owl is finger licking good

Want to really piss a liberal tree-hugger off just wear the Fried Spotted Shirt down the streets of San Francisco.  Carry your camera along and get images when you are attacked by the idiot loons and have the wackos locked up for assault!   On the other hand if you are an illegal immigrant just hollow "sanctuary" and you'll be safe! 

Handcuffs for Hillary in 2016

These are bracelets she won't like!   
Damn, I would get off just watching them put on.