Showing posts with label europe. pc. Show all posts
Showing posts with label europe. pc. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Death by Political Correctness -- European Style

Western Civilization in Europe seems bent on self destruction. The media there have brainwashed citizens for decades. They’ve filled minds with a constant drumbeat of political correctness and the need for more globalist collectivism. Too many Europeans have become passive sheep who are taught to ‘run, hide and tell.’ If they do speak out and complain, they get called names such as ‘racist!’ or ‘Islamophobe!’ Jobs could be lost or heavy fines meted out for so called ‘hate speech.’ 

Great Britain has at least shown some sign of a backbone. They resisted taxation without representation when they voted for Brexit, but too many of their leaders remain bent on globalism. The latest terror attack in London was good excuse for Theresa May to call for control over the Internet and the end of privacy and free speech. She doesn’t want a good crisis to go to waste.  More.....