Showing posts with label HILLARY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HILLARY. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Vote Monica got the job done when Hillary failed

Vote Monica, when Hillary failed she got the job done!

Hillary Clinton's Vindictiveness makes her unsuitable to be President

The vindictiveness of Hillary Clinton is well documented 
and makes her unsuitable 
to hold the highest office in the land.  
Now who would trust a woman scorned 
with the nuclear codes of the USA!

Corruption and Socialism birds of a feather---Just ask Bernie and Hillary

Hold on to you wallet when a politician tells you 
he's not corrupt and just wants to give you free stuff.  
Only kids and idiots know there is no such thing as free stuff!

Hillary's failed Foreign Policy vs. the untried Policy of Trump

Vote for Hillary if you want a sure thing
----a foreign policy you can count on to be a failure.  
After all she has a proven track record.  
Or vote Trump to try something new!

Monday, June 6, 2016

Hillary Clinton on Nuclear Codes and Trump

Hillary Clinton says it would be dangerous to elect Donald Trump president thereby allowing him access to the Nuclear Codes.  I say the bigger danger comes from Hillary---hell she might just sell them to the highest bidder.  Didn't Bill and Hillary try to rent out the White House's Lincoln Room when they were living at 1600!  

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Man from Trump Tower to attack Barack's Puppet, Hillary Clinton

It's time for the puppet of Barack, Hillary Clinton, 
to feel the full wrath of the Man from Trump Tower!

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Felons support Hillary for President

Honestly, there is little doubt that most felons would vote for a Democrat is they had that right.  To insure  that, the Democrat governor of Virginia has given some 200,000 convicted felons in that state the right to vote.  Wonder why he doesn't restore their right to own a gun?  

Friday, April 22, 2016

Hillary Clinton puts on Blackface in every election cycle

To listen to Hillary this election cycle 
when she speaks to African-American voters, 
you would think she was born in a share cropper's house 
in the middle of a Mississippi cotton field.  
Heck she would have you thinking she was blacker 
than the audience. 
Of course, after speaking she goes back 
to her all white neighborhood in Chappaqua! 

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Why the FBI investigation into Hillary's emails is moving at a snail's pace

Ever wonder why the FBI's investigation into the Hillary email criminal conspiracy is moving so slow?  We would be safe in saying, the President of the United States has his hand on the scales of justice!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Fishing for Hillary

Bubba and Hillary both have a long history 
of going after the fast buck.  
And one has a unsavory history of going after the fast Suck!

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Hillary runs for her Life

Will Hillary reach the finish line?  
Or will she be stopped by the Justice Department.  
Wonder if the Witch is too big to fail!a

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Hillary Clinton's newest $600 Haircut

Have you ever noticed that when one politician 
sees something the other has that works, 
they are quick to jump on the band wagon.  
Just look at how Marco Rubio 
has recently adopted Trump's slash and burn tactics.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Hillary Clinton Inauguration Day

Even placing her hand on a Bible and swearing 
will not stop this witch from lying.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Trump Endorses Hillary

At this point in her faltering campaign 
Hillary will take any endorsement she can get!!! 

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Hillary Clinton Paving her Path to Hell one Lie at a time!

One just might suspect that Hillary knows 
Saint Peter will never allow her through those Pearly Gates, 
so she is making sure she gets a seat 
at the main table in the region below.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Hillary Clinton: "Women have always been the Primary Victims of War"!

Really Hillary!  Then what does that make those men who gave the ultimate sacrifice!  Hey girl I understand why you don't like men---after all most of them vote for Republicans and then of course there is that philandering husband of yours! 

Sunday, July 19, 2015


And to think she wants to be our next president---Donald Trump has nothing on this bitch witch!