Sunday, August 7, 2016

Conclusive Proof Obama does not Negotiate with Terrorist

Ransom takers always, always demand the ransom be paid in cash and in small unmarked bills.  Obama not only paid in cash but in untraceable Swiss Francs and Euros.  Of course he claims this money was already theirs so this in no way was a ransom.  So then it was just money we owed them anyway since 1979.  Money that just happened to arrive in Tehran on the say day the hostages were released.  What are the odds?????
On a personal note:  have you ever noticed that when the President holds a news conference and when he get that quirky little grin on his face and starts in with those snarky remarks----well that's the time you can be sure he is lying!  Pay attention next time!

1 comment:

  1. who can help me a reflection of what this cartoon picture is talking about


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