Friday, June 8, 2018

Great Conservative Political Satire from Trump Land

 The Best of Political Satire from Trump Land

Remains of Harvard Professor found on Mount Kilimanjaro

Water Pistols and Cecil the Lion

Alien Alliance aka The Final Solution

Kingdom of the Delta Smelt 

Trump's Wall will Prevent Looming Environmental Disaster

S.H.I.T. vs P.E.T.A.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Democrats call for increased importation of Haitian Guano

Following President Trump's statement on what he referred to as 'sh*thole' countries, Democrats are doubling down and demanding an increase in the importation of Haitian Guano.  Apparently Haiti and other third world sh*tholes are flush with an abundance of floating turds.  A recent comprehensive study at S.H.I.T aka Sam Houston Institute of Technology  has confirmed this.  Democrats, it seems, are following in the footsteps of the infamous Edmond Ruffin, a southern tobacco planter.  A planter who in the early 1800's hundreds was the first to urge the importation of Peruvian Guano.  Something he hoped would replenish the depleted soil of Virginia tobacco fields.  Ruffin expressed this in a popular book of that day---Essays on Calcareous Manures
It is now quite apparent that following the election of Donald Trump, today's Democrats are desperate to replenish their urban fields with the abundant supply of floating turds from third world sh*tholes.  Some of us knew this, but few dared speak it until now.  Thanks President Trump!   
By Ron Russell

Friday, December 8, 2017

Criminals for Gun Control

It's time for the Criminals in America to have a voice in promoting a safe workplace.  Already many progressive states have restored voting rights to convicted felons.  Now is the time for all honest law-abiding citizens to rally around our oppressed convicts, rapist, robbers, and child molesters to assure they can practice their chosen trade without fear of some gun-totting vigilante taking potshots at him.    

Monday, November 20, 2017

Al Franken gropes the wrong woman

Thanks to Ben Garrison Cartoons
Al, keep your hands off them, they don't belong to you!

Help us save not just Confederate Monuments, but all historical monuments across American that are under attack by the left by clicking HERE!

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Colin Kaepernick named GQ magazine's citizen of the year

Wannabe football star and Professional American Flag and Anthem hater 
has just be awarded GQ's highest honor.  
Colin is now on the cover of that esteem magazine 
much to the delight of it's 13 readers.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

NAACP would Expunge "The Star-Spangled Banner" just as they did "Dixie"

The fore-runners of a racist free USA, are calling for the removal of "The Star-Spangled Banner" as the National Anthem.  The California Chapter of the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of the Communist Party Colored People) is now supporting striking Francis Scott Key's National Anthem from all events and eventually from history itself.  Apparently, a few in the NAACP have finally read the full lyrics of the "Star-Spangled Banner" and deemed some few lines to be racist.  Additionally, they have noted that Francis Scott Key, himself, was a slave owner, in the then slave state of Maryland and also a supporter of the hated Andrew Jackson.  Moreover, Key was and anti-abolitionist and a member of the "American Colonization Society.  An organization that would send freed black men back to Africa.   
As of this time, the astute members of the NAACP have yet to figure out that a monument of the hated racist Francis Scott Key stands near that most sacred of all progressive bastions, San Francisco.
Perhaps the above anthem would be more to the liking of the NAACP and their lemming-like followers!!!
Cross-posted at Trump Land  

Help us save not just Confederate Monuments, but all historical monuments across American that are under attack by the left by clicking HERE!