Monday, July 10, 2017

G20 Memories, The Firm Handshake

To me, the most memorable moment of the G-20 Summit was the handshake between President Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin. There’s no reason for Russia and United States to be engaged in a new cold war. Or a hot war arranged by globalists and central bankers. President Trump showed that he’s quite capable of marshaling a foreign policy and protecting America’s interests. He made it clear that he placed America first by wearing an American flag pin on his lapel, rather than the G-20 pin. You can bet the constantly bowing Obama would have worn the latter pin. 

German Chancellor Merkel, Hillary’s favorite world leader, represented the globalist interests which include endless immigration, socialism, and ‘climate change,’ which is being used to help bring about worldwide communism. Both Putin and Trump are resisting such immigration and global elite control as well as the climate change malarky. This makes them both ‘bad guys’ in the eyes of the fake news legacy media. A left wing reporter from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation smeared President Trump by stating he had ‘no capacity to lead the free world.’ Wrong. He’s just not going along with the globalist agenda--and that’s refreshing. Trump rejects bad deals and presidents from the past few decades have made way too many of them.   Read more.....

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Flat Antifa smashes fascism

Armed with a baseball bat and wearing a fashionable rioting unisex ensemble, Flat Antifa is looking for some fascism to smash. 

Fascism is anything that Flat Antifa doesn't understand. It needs to be smashed. 

Fascists are those who refuse to conform to Flat Antifa's non-conformism. They need to be smashed. 

Flat Antifa obtained these views in his/her extremely expensive school, and is prepared to swing his/her bat at anyone whom Flat Antifa's extremely progressive professor defines as extremist. 

Included on the list of things to smash are gender fascism, sexist fascism, racist fascism, homo-fascism, hetero-fascism, bi-fascism, trans-fascism, adult fascism, and parental fascism. 

Follow Flat Antifa in his/her many adventures and use the transparent PNG file to the left to help Flat Antifa find more fascism to smash.   Read more.....

Saturday, July 8, 2017

More Than 5,000 Non-Citizens Caught On Virginia’s Voter Rolls

Virginia election officials quietly removed 5,556 voters for being non-citizens, and a new investigation suggests it’s just the tip of the iceberg. 

The Public Interest Legal Foundation, partnering with the Virginia Voters Alliance, found that non-citizens in the Old Dominion voted 7,474 times between 2011 and May 2017. 

“Virginia election officials routinely fail to alert law enforcement about these illegal votes or registrations,” PILF president and general counsel J. Christian Adams charged in a new report, “Alien Invasion.” 

Edgardo Cortes, commissioner of the Virginia Department of Elections, discounted PILF’s concerns, saying the information on illegal voters was “readily available on our website.” 

But the state site showed only 1,531 non-citizens being removed from Virginia’s voting rolls. 

Adams said his group expended 100 hours rooting out illegal voters. He accused Gov. Terry McAuliffe’s administration of blocking election-integrity legislation. 

McAuliffe this year vetoed SB 1581, which would have required local registrars to verify incoming voter applications against state and federal databases, including Social Security records. 

The Democratic governor also vetoed SB 872, which would have applied voter-ID protocols to absentee balloting.  Read more.....

Friday, July 7, 2017

The Meme that ate CNN

Initially we hadn't given much thought to the whole brouhaha in which Trump tweeted (sigh...) an animated GIF of him pretending to rough up someone with a CNN logo for a face. It was a dopey little animation which sort of made a humorous point, after which we could all just get on with our lives - right? 

Wrong. The media and Internet went nuts (granted, this is a given these days), making an occurrence which had roughly the importance of a gnat's fart into a bigger story than the lunatic leader of North Korea successfully test firing a nuke-capable ICBM missile. 

CNN was especially culpable in blowing the loco logo story out of proportion. They claimed that the seconds-long clip was a call for violence against their esteemed journalistic team, and then tracked down the poor schmuck who'd originally created the animation and threatened to out his real identity (after labeling him a racist and anti-semite) so that the angry leftist mobs - you know, the ones who commit real acts of violence - could deal with him.  Read more.....

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Tasmanian Devils. Man’s New Best Friend?

Tasmanian devils have recently become very popular exotic pets in our country. Everyday more and more people forego getting more traditional pets like cats and dogs to purchase lovable Tasmanian devils. Although Tasmanian Devils (known as devils from this point on) have gotten a bad rap from the cute but destructive Loony Toons character Taz, they are really some of the best and most lovable pets anyone can have. Let’s find out a little more about our new, furry, friends shall we? 

Devils are the size of small dogs and they are noted for several physical traits. They have such incredibly powerful jaws that they’re known as the “rotweiller of Tasmania.” Tasmanian Devils are capable of biting through plastic, bone, and even steel if startled. They also have a luxurious, oily coat. Although their coat is gorgeous, you may want to be prepared for what Tasmanian natives call “ooklaboocha.” It’s a dark, slimy, dank smelling, grease like trail that devils on everything they touch. Furthermore, devils also can’t stand water. Devils have been known to go into day long “psychotic rages” when forced to take baths. This is understandable because any devils that come into contact with water almost immediately break out with huge, green, festering , rashes that takes months to heal. During this time, devils grow very confused and anxious and are known to endlessly run in circles and smash into walls at full speed. 

Unlike cats and dogs, devils are easy to feed. They will eat any sort of garbage, carrion, or corpses. They also enjoy live food and will happily hunt down and eat anything they are able to overcome in combat. That includes cats, ferrets, dogs, iguanas, cows, horses, and even elephants. I know you are wondering how they could possibly kill an elephant. They have jaws so powerful that can crush an elephants head like a coconut in a vise.   Read more.....