Tuesday, April 5, 2016

GOP Establishment Executioner

Nothing would excite the GOP Establishment more 
than having the two front-runners lose their heads.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Campus Micro-Aggression run wild.

Apparently in today's campus environment, almost anything said by a conservative student is seen as Micro-Aggression directed at Progressives.  Gee, it sure is easy to upset campus liberals.  Wonder what these faint-hearted millennials would do if the draft was re-instated and they were told to report to the nearest recruiter.  Hell, we've seen this movie before---they would pack their bags and head to Canada, just as many of their professors did in the 1960's! 

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Death of Free Speech on Campus

Just chalking the phrase "Trump 2016"
on the sidewalk of a college campus 
causes some pampered millennials to seek Therapy
---it is so traumatic to their delicate sensibilities.  
These young people and their socialist Professors Masters 
all proclaim they support Free Speech.  
Just as long as that free speech doesn't upset them.  
In short, dissenting voices are not to be heard 
on their protected collegian spaces.  

Friday, April 1, 2016

Are Syrian Refugees being vetted?

Obama has the doors open to Syrian Refugees who have not been properly vetted.  And our neighbor to the North, Canada has just let in another 10,000.  Wonder how long it will be before the majority of those potential terrorist find their way South to the good ole USA?  
Note:  It is nearly impossible to vet those coming from Syria because there are virtually no data bases.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Dollar worth less than Toilet Paper

The government in Washington is printing so much money, 
it will soon reach a point where it will soon be cheaper 
to wipe you butt with dollar bills than Charmin!   
When hyper-inflation hit Germany in the 1920, 
the Germans had to carry their money to the store in sacks 
and bring their groceries home in their purse.

Trump's Weapon of Choice

Trump has show the awesome power of the Tweet!