Showing posts with label racism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label racism. Show all posts

Friday, August 26, 2016

If you trigger someone's Microaggression Card you are a racist.

Those who support "trigger warnings" and "microaggressions" are only trying to silence the voices of those who disagree with them.  In fact, the only free speech they actually support is that which validates the opinions.  They fail to realize that they can never totally shut down all the voices that question their positions---this is true on both the left and right.  But with the biggest threat to the First Amendment coming from those on the "Alt-left'!  These new leftest do not represent the views of John Kennedy or even Bill Clinton, but have usurped and taken over the party of JFK.  They love to point to the Alt-right, but are totally blind when it comes to seeing their own extremism. 

Monday, May 9, 2016

Racism and Guns in America

Black deaths at the hands of other blacks is seldom reported, but black deaths at the hands of some white cracker is without a doubt racist.  While at the same time white deaths at the hands of some black thug is quite understandable, because after all the poor black man is a victim of his environment and that fact excuses him for his actions---at least to some extent.  Just the inconvenient truth! 

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Islamophobia and Racism

The absolute truth is that Obama believes 
that anyone who disagrees with him must be a racist!  
Damn you almost have to feel sorry for the poor man!