Showing posts with label canadian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label canadian. Show all posts

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Special Forces SNIPER Kills ISIS Thug From TWO Miles Away With A Shot That Made HISTORY!

A Canadian sniper now holds the record for longest confirmed kill in world history. He managed a two mile kill shot that took out an ISIS militant which now only makes him a hero, but a legend. 

In case you were wondering, the previous record holder was a British soldier, Craig Harrison, who hit his target from an impressive 1.54 miles. 

The rifle used to make the miraculous shot is a McMillan TAC-50. The bullet itself took 10 seconds to travel from the barrel of the rifle into the squishy terrorist who was approximately 2.14 miles away. If you’ve ever shot a gun, you realize how quickly bullets arrive at their destination. 

The kill was recorded on video, according to a military source who spoke with The Globe and Mail. But this isn’t the only impressive shot made by Canadians. 

A chart shows exactly who is making some of the best kills from around the world.  Read more.....