Friday, October 14, 2016

Hillary assaulted Lady Judtice but did Trump assault Lady Liberty

While the list of women accusing Donald Trump of some form of sexual harassment is stretching around the block, the one lady that has a provable case of real assault is Lady Liberty where Hillary Clinton was the perk! 

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Breaking News: MSNBC releases Photo of Trump looking up girl's skirt

Finally conclusive proof that Donald Trump 
began his twisted fascination with the opposite sex 
at an early age.  
Shame on you Donny!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

A Democrat can drown a woman, but a Republican cannot use the "P" word


Are Russians trying to rig the election or do Decmocrats fear what will be revealed

You can bet Democrats are shaking in their boots about the mere thought of what those hacked emails from WikiLeaks will reveal.  And you can be equally confident that if WikiLeaks announced it had all the emails from Hillary Clinton's State Department days, she would have a stroke.

People and their Pets

Damn Trump does look like his master and so does Hillary!

Monday, October 10, 2016

The most Corrupt person to ever run for President

Up until that moment both Barack Obama and Bill Clinton put their fingers on the scale of justice, Hillary was on the fast track to a red jump suit.  Must be nice to have friends in high places when you are a crook!